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Price On Call

Wet Lab Space for Rent Near Boston and Cambridge

  • Wet Lab Space for Rent Near Boston and Cambridge
Price : Price On Call
Date : July 9, 2023
Condition : New
Location : 90 Bridge Street, Newton, Massachusetts 02458, USA

LabShares is a biotech incubator with wet lab space for rent and office spaces near Boston and Cambridge in Massachusetts for biotech and life science startups.

Access to shared lab equipment, conference rooms, and a fully-stocked kitchen are all included in the monthly fee. The modern, light-filled building is fully permitted and conveniently located with free parking.

We have a wide range of shared lab equipment that includes but is not limited to: plate readers, tissue culture suites, standard cold storage ranging from refrigeration to cryostorage, microscopes, HPLC, Western Blot transfer devices, flow cytometry systems, QT PCR machines, a lentiviral suite, pure water systems, and other miscellaneous pieces.

Virtual tours are available at LabShares(dot)com or you may contact us at 617-546-5835 for more information. Thanks!

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