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$1.00 (Negotiable)

Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets

  • Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets
  • Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets
  • Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets
  • Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets
  • Sandwich Panels, flat and profiled sheets
Price : $1.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : October 3, 2019
Condition : New
Location : New York, NY, USA

IRMALEX S.A is a Portuguese steel company specializing in the manufacture of isothermal panels, flat and profiled sheets, channels and other trim for optimal fixing and finishing in the execution of roofs and facades. 

In addition to Portugal, IRMALEX has its own facilities in Angola, Mozambique, Spain, China and Colombia.

With the favorable geographical location of the Portuguese ports, it is easily and quickly shipped to the main ports of the world. Above all, in order to expand further in the foreign market, IRMALEX seeks potential distributors of its products in several countries.

For commercial, technical and logistical information, please contact or telephone (+351) 968 429 229.

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