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Price On Call

Rent a Biotech Laboratory Space – LabShares Newton

  • Rent a Biotech Laboratory Space – LabShares Newton
Price : Price On Call
Date : June 11, 2023
Condition : New
Location : 90 Bridge St, Newton, MA 02458, USA

Rent a biotech laboratory space with LabShares, a fully permitted and maintained shared laboratory space for bacterial, rDNA, tissue culture and lentiviral work. With over 6,000 square feet of BSL2 lab space, we can accommodate and accelerate your innovation with our turnkey biosafety level 2 lab space for rent. (If there’s a price posted here, it’s just a placeholder. Please contact us for current rates and availability.)​

Along with the facilities listed below, we provide annual EHS training, IT support, laboratory equipment maintenance, and Safety Committee review of new hazardous procedures.


2.5ft x 5ft bench rental includes:

Space within cold storage ranging from refrigeration to cryostorage with temperature monitoring and security system

Biohazard and sharps waste removal

Chemical waste removal (billed directly to the member company, managed by LabShares)

Use of full shared equipment list (booking software is used to ensure no overlap on equipment use)

Lab coat laundering

Lab supply purchasing

Liquid nitrogen and carbon dioxide included in rent

Office amenities, detailed below

For more information about shared lab space, bench and office rental near Boston and Cambridge in Massachusetts, please visit labshares(dot)com or call 617-546-5835. Thanks!

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