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  • Professional Vents Care
Price : $199.00 (Fixed)
Date : June 13, 2021
Warranty : Yes
Location : Near 8010 Grandview St, Houston, TX 77051, USA

Hello Everyone

I posted about Air Duct Cleaning Services and got few customers to fill up the truck for the Special package



(1) Residents with allergies and asthma

(2) Smoker in the household ·

(3) Hair and dander from pet

(4) High heating bills

(5) On going renovations

(6) A new addition to the family

(7) Or moving into a new home


Services included

🔸Unlimited Supply Vents cleaning

🔹Inspection Of Dryer Vent.

🔸No Hook up charges.

🔹No Hidden charges

🔸No per vent Charges

🔹 Negative Pressure Machine- Air System.


Why Customer choose our Company?


Because we are so confident in our ability to perform Air Duct Cleaning at a reasonable cost and we are working with customer satisfaction previously 15 Years


We complete quality not in Price. What make us different from other Company out there: 💯% Costumer Satisfaction. No extra charges per vent or any hookup charges. Excellent Customer service. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.


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