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$700.00 (Fixed)

Home available for rent

  • Home available for rent
Price : $700.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : July 2, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 3123 Belgian Dr, Lansing, MI 48906

– Enjoy the perks of a brand new single-family home, in this newly completed neighborhood without the hassle of homeownership. This large yard will be newly landscaped in the spring, providing you space to entertain and create memories that last a lifetime. The included 2 car garage provides room to keep your car warm and ice-free in the winter so your loved ones get a toasty warm ride on the most frigid day. An included washer and dryer saves time and energy from driving to the laundry matt allowing you to simply kick back in your favorite chair and relax. The Whirl Pool stainless steel appliance package gives you a kitchen fit for a chef that will have your friends thinking your Gordon Ramsey and begging to come to your parties CONTACT ME ON HERE OR TEXT MY NUMBER OR IF YOU HAVE HANGOUTS, reach me on

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