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    Price : $149.00 (Fixed)
    Type : Sell
    Date : March 17, 2020
    Warranty : Yes
    Location : Mill Street, Kansas City, MO, USA
    Air Duct Cleaning Services.
    TEXT/CALL: (816) 386-3690
    The first part of the year tends to be slow for us, because of that, we are offering huge discount $100 off of whole-home duct cleanings.
    There are a LOT of bait-and-switch duct cleaning companies out there, along with a lot of companies who still do the “glorified Shop-Vac” method. We use the proper method, using high-pressured air and suction. 
    Licensed and insured.
    Shoot us a message or call/ text us and lets get that dust and dead skin out of your air and protect your HVAC equipment. 
    TEXT/CALL: (816) 386-3690

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