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$200.00 (Fixed)

Top 5 Best G-Shock Metal Covered Watches.

  • Top 5 Best G-Shock Metal Covered Watches.
Price : $200.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : January 27, 2023
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Jackson, WY, USA

Casio Company was formed in June 1957. The company also became well known for the wide variety and innovation of its. G-Shock is a best Brand Series in Casio Company. Casio “G-SHOCK”, a new gold x black model has appeared in its metal covered series Watches.

1. Casio G-Shock GM-2100G-1A9JF Watch.

2. Casio G-Shock GM-5600G-9JF.

3. Casio G-Shock GM2100-1A.

4. Casio G-Shock GM-S2100BR-5AJF.

5. Casio G-Shock GM-B2100BD-1AJF.


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