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$10,500.00 (Negotiable)

PW-4x4Q All-Terrain Power Chair uses 4-wheel drive

  • PW-4x4Q All-Terrain Power Chair uses 4-wheel drive
Price : $10,500.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : September 24, 2021
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Alabama Shores, AL, USA

PW-4x4Q All-Terrain Power Chair uses a 4-wheel drive system that can handle difficult terrain including climbing up and down staircases*, steep slopes, uneven terrain, snow, sandy beaches, muddy/bumpy roads etc.

Let the powerful PW-4x4Q help you to overcome terrain you’ve never though possible like curbs, thresholds, pot holes and more.

Just have to get rid of some properties of Someone close Who’s no more (Late).

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