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  • One BedRoom Apt Fot Rent
Price : $715.00 (Fixed)
Date : March 15, 2021
Condition : Used
Location : 4138 Perlita Ave #C, Los Angeles, CA 90039

Behind the living space is the kitchen with an eat-in kitchen/diningarea – perfect for your morning coffee and mid-week catch-ups.The kitchen boasts beautiful marble stone-tiled floors with matching countertops and complimentary black hardware. Plus all the stainless steel appliances you will need to whip up 3-course meals.To the right of the living room is the hallway closet, bathroom, and bedroom!The bedroom has a sliding door closet and features masterfulmolding along the walls to add a touch of character.The bathroom has seemingly similarfinishes with the kitchen but features subway tile and a new showerhead. more details…smithlord941 at Gmail don com

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