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$18,000.00 (Negotiable)

Louis XV Gobelin Tapestry/Tapestry Lounge Suite, N

  • Louis XV Gobelin Tapestry/Tapestry Lounge Suite, N
Price : $18,000.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : December 25, 2021
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Downey, CA, USA

Unless otherwise stated, all prices are final prices. The prices are calculated according to §25a differential taxation. Louis XV tapestry / tapestry seating group, Napoleon III around 1890 B-149 * Real gold leaf on solid wood. Hand-carved wooden body. Very old and decorative French seating group. Tapestry fabric cover: Decorative flower bouquets on a red background. Aubusson tapestry. The salon seating group consists of a sofa and two chairs. Excellent warm patina that has grown over decades. Age-related signs of wear. Comes from a Berlin estate. Given the occasion, we would like to point out that the objects on offer have generally been in use for between 80 and 300 years and therefore cannot be as good as new. Chair: Dimensions in cm: Depth: 55 cm, Height: 103 cm, Width: 58 cm SH: 50 c.

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