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$125.00 (Fixed)

Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots

  • Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots
  • Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots
  • Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots
  • Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots
  • Jennifer Lopez high heel Lehigh boots
Price : $125.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : July 28, 2019
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Oakland Avenue, Merced, CA, USA

This is another special edition Jennifer Lopez lines knee high boots special it hugs to you so it doesn’t fall down so you never have to worry about Glenn it back up it is platter I believe are leather not quite sure I’m pretty sure it’s probably leather, did very sexy it has a thin heel but it’s not too thin so did you not comfortable walk when you walk in them inside is so soft and smooth when you put your foot in it just slides right in and it has a zipper on the side just going to say side if it was difficult to put the shoe on there is one thing about the shield and that is that due to the fact that it’s been in my warehouse for a while where the liner is on the shoe the product is starting to come a loose it’s not noticeable at all but I do want to fill you in with that information also its size 9 and 1/2 and you can wear these to go out get the girls fornite weather in Vegas hey what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas just kidding wear them with pants inside or outside your pants wear them with the skirt or dress shorts whatever you decide it’ll look good sexy and elegant it is not the type of boot that is so high that makes it look trashy this line actually truly makes it look sexy inelegant

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