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$900.00 (Fixed)

iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB UNLOCKED

  • iPhone 11 Pro Max 256GB UNLOCKED
Price : $900.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : September 16, 2020
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 285 old military rd, lake placid NY 12946

I have a unlocked green iPhone 11 pro max 256gb. It has no damage. It has been in a case since day one with a screen protector as well. I have 3 cases that I can throw in for $40 more dollars (apple black silicon case, otterbox clear case with green bumper, and apple clear plastic case). The phone is unlocked and ready to be shipped. I still have the original box and I can include a standard 5v apple charger.

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