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  • iphone
Price : Free
Type : Sell
Date : July 17, 2020
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 250 Hammond Pond Pky #1701N Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts(MA), 02467

I bought an iphone for my son on his birthday unknowingly to me that he got one already for himself ,i have decided to use this opportunity to  give the phone to anyone who is facing financial problems and cant afford a phone…….this period is a very challenging one and i know it has made a lot of people go broke but unfortunately i cant help everyone but i have decided to just help only one person who really needs a phone and cant get because of financial issues…. Please dont message me if you can afford a phone,let someone who really needs it get it…hit me up with a good reason why you  you need this phone ,only for those who can’t afford one. Text me on Kik

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