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  • Butler Inclined Platform Lift
Price : $19,400.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : August 7, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : 1 Geoffery Way Wayne, NJ

This Mobility Inclined Platform Lift will return independence, movement, and home security to any individual that is looking for a long term solution to access their entire home comfortably. This assistive indoor platform lift takes the pain off of your knees and back trying to walk up a flight of stairs with your walker, crutches, or cane in hand. People using wheelchairs now have access to parts of their home that were previously unattainable. This lift is a long term solution so you do not have to drastically alter your home, sell it, or move into a senior living facility.

Even if you need to get over two steps or twelve, a team will work with you to customize a lift that meets your specifications and needs as long as they meet the qualifications. With five commonly found earth tone colors to choose from, this lift will wonderfully add to the appeal and decor of your home. This indoor-only stairlift is installed in your home with no structural modifications made to a single wall, handrail, floorboard, or carpet. Each guiding rail of the lift is four-inches wide and creates ample walking room for those who are not using the lift.

Built with the finest safety features and specifications, this helpful device has three directional switches that are located on the platform, at the base, and at the top. These switches are momentary meaning you need to always be holding it down in order for the lift to move. The controls are designed so that those with arthritis, neuromuscular conditions, and general unsteady or weak ligaments can use the switch without discomfort or trouble.

All models come standard with a visible red emergency stop button and a battery backup unit. The battery backup power will continue to operate the lift if there is a power outage in the home. There is enough power for about four more uses up and down so you will not be inconvenienced.

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