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$3,800.00 (Fixed)

40ft high cube shipping container

  • 40ft high cube shipping container
Price : $3,800.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : June 4, 2021
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Thousand Palms, CA, USA

An open side container has the same features as a standard shipping container or storage container. The container is comprised of 14-gauge corrugated steel panels throughout, lockable double doors on one end, as well as 1-1/8” thick marine plywood flooring on the interior. The major difference is the two additional bi-fold doors on one of the side walls. The inner portion of the bi-fold doors can be opened similarly to the standard doors on the end of the container. You can also open the bi-fold portion as well, giving you access to the entire side of the container. An open side storage container is also referred to as a full-side access container, side access container or a side opening storage container.

The open side containers are only available in new or “one-trip” condition. A “one-trip” container is not used in shipping service and is only shipped once (from the factory to the USA).

The open side containers are available in 20ft and 40ft lengths. They are also available in both standard height (8’6”H) and high cube (9’6”H) varieties (depending on availability). Open side containers are particularly useful when it comes to loading and unloading oversized materials.

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