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$280.00 (Fixed)

4 piece blue and white Chinese China set

  • 4 piece blue and white Chinese China set
  • 4 piece blue and white Chinese China set
  • 4 piece blue and white Chinese China set
  • 4 piece blue and white Chinese China set
  • 4 piece blue and white Chinese China set
Price : $280.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : July 28, 2019
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Modesto, Irvine, CA, USA

This is Quizlet Chinese China set came from China it was shipped to me from my brother during his 15 years with the military living in Japan oh, this is one of the many things that he sent me. This beautiful China said is white and blue has Exquisite carvings Engravings on it, inside the bowl is a beautiful flower with leaves right in the middle with lines Circle lines that mix it separate from the rest of the bowl what a beautiful goddess in grave in the middle and on the very top I believe it’s a secret message because I’m parentheses it’s a crown with the the number 9 I’m not quite sure what it stands for though and I could this be wrong but it is beautiful you can’t go wrong with this that you will fall in love great for any occasion any occasion birthdays Christmas any holiday weddings parties

And as always all shipping is free

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