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$1,200.00 (Negotiable)

19th Century Venetian Black/Blue Eye Bead Strand

  • 19th Century Venetian Black/Blue Eye Bead Strand
Price : $1,200.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : January 6, 2023
Condition : New
Location : California City, CA, USA

19th Century Venetian hand wound and inlaid lamp beads with extremely double row inlaid raised “Eyes” in brilliant blue color.

Originally created in Venice and Murano Italy, a torch or high intensity flame glass lamp was used to melt glass canes or rods. Once in a molten state, the glass bead was formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand movements. Often a winding technique can be seen in the body of the glass bead. Intricate patterns, especially favored were “Eye”s, were created by melting or inlaying other colored canes of glass into the base bead.

Eye beads were (and are) highly valued in many traditional cultures worldwide as strong talismans to deflect the “Evil Eye” or malevolent intent back to its origin.

These rare and “foreign” glass beads were highly valued trade commodities in Africa, and became the highest level Prestige and Dowry Currency throughout the African Continent. The most rare and beautiful were often collected and worn by African Kings and their Royal Courts.

Length : Approx. 38″

Bead Size : Approx. 12mm average

The beads in this strand are in excellent condition, and the strand remains in the same configuration as purchased in Mali, West Africa years ago.

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