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$15,650.00 (Negotiable)

1966 Ford Mustang Coupe

  • 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe
Price : $15,650.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : January 23, 2023
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : New York, NY, USA

Have had this beauty 12 years. I’ve put a lot of love and care into this one, but alas, I have to cull the herd. Too many vehicles!

She’s mechanically very sound. I had the suspension and transmission rebuilt. Consistent maintenance throughout the years.

I had he stripped, patched and painted. There no rust under there, but the paint is getting old. Has a few chips.

If I were keeping her, I’d give her a new coat of paint and replace the interior.

Please mindful of my time and only book an appointment if you are a serious buyer.

Hoping she finds a good home!

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