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$13,500.00 (Negotiable)

1960 Harley Davidson FLH

  • 1960 Harley Davidson FLH
Price : $13,500.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : January 10, 2023
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Washington D.C., DC, USA

This 1960 Harley Davidson FLH Duo-Glide Panhead is being sold as part of an estate with a clean and clear title. Because of this little is known about the history and any specifications that are not pictured. I did find one invoice in the service manual from a motor shop in Adrain, Michigan from 1991 with a name that is not known to the family, so this could be a previous owner. There is no other information about work done to the Harley as it just shows an amount paid on the account. The Harley is currently in Pennsylvania, but was transported from Tennessee where it was stored in a garage.

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