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$30,000.00 (Negotiable)

1926 Ford Model T Fordor Sedan

  • 1926 Ford Model T Fordor Sedan
Price : $30,000.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : January 2, 2022
Condition : Used
Warranty : Yes
Location : Downey, CA, USA

1926 Ford Model T Fordor Sedan. This black tin Lizzie reminds you of why the model T has been known as the greatest innovation of the century. It is still regarded as the car that brought us a lot of the things our society has today such as suburbs, the assembly line and a standard 40 hour work week. This 1926 Model T Fordor Sedan sits handsomely on black painted wooden wheels and is quite charming with its period correct license plate. While there is a hand crank on the front there’s no need to throw your back out thanks to an electric starter for ease and convenience.

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