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$19,500.00 (Negotiable)

1996 Toyota Hilux Surf SSR-X 3.0 turbo diesel Land

  • 1996 Toyota Hilux Surf SSR-X 3.0 turbo diesel Land
Price : $19,500.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : January 2, 2022
Condition : Used
Warranty : No
Location : Downey, CA, USA

Absolutely stunning and completely original SURVIVOR Toyota HiLux Surf Limited (gen 3) in the highest spec SSR-X with the 1KZ 3.0 Toyota turbo diesel power plant.

I’m more than happy to quote for this cost if you wish. This is without a doubt, one of the cleanest examples I’ve seen. It’s in outstanding condition inside & out. It drives faultlessly. Everything operates without fault & the air conditioning blows ICE COLD.

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