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$8,700.00 (Negotiable)

2015 Dodge Charger SE, 292 horse power 3.6 litre

  • 2015 Dodge Charger SE, 292 horse power 3.6 litre
Price : $8,700.00 (Negotiable)
Type : Sell
Date : May 26, 2020
Condition : Used
Warranty : Yes
Location : 902 137th St CT so lot 47 parkland Washington 9844

2015 Dodge Charger SE, 292 horse power 3.6 litre ,8 speed automatic transmission, fun to drive and good on gas, am/fm/xm/sd/usb sound system, very nice black exterior finish no dents or scratches, dark gray interior is very clean, Stability and traction control, parking assist, power windows and door locks with factory remote starter, call or text to set up an appointment to view the car. I am following the state guidelines for selling cars and doing title work. I can transfer your valid plate or issue you a new one with no document or any other extra fees not charged by the state. If you see the add its available

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