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$28,520.00 (Fixed)

Neurosurgery surgical navigation system RETINA

  • Neurosurgery surgical navigation system RETINA
Price : $28,520.00 (Fixed)
Type : Sell
Date : July 15, 2023
Condition : New
Warranty : Yes
Location : Temecula, CA, USA

Integrate Digital Medical Imaging for Better Surgical Accuracy.

The RETINA is a stereotactic surgery navigation system for Neurosurgery, Craniofacial, E.N.T., Plastic Surgery, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and other types of minimally invasive surgical applications.

The RETINA combines intelligent medical technologies and services which can integrate digital medical imaging for better surgical accuracy. It is compatible with many instruments already used in the OR and can be easily paired with AR glasses, which have become a perfect complement while working during surgery. The RETINA also reduces unnecessary tissue injuries, to aid in minimally invasive surgeries, improve surgical quality, and reduce the risk of surgical complications, which provide overall better medical service for patients.

The RETINA gathers the most state of the art navigation and combines them with perfect accuracy, extensive and international OR experience, and the best price in the market.


1. Minimally invasive surgery

2. Precise Optical Space Location Technology

3. High compatibility

4. High price-performance value

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