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$249.00 (Negotiable)

Duct And Vents Cleaning

  • Duct And Vents Cleaning
Price : $249.00 (Negotiable)
Date : October 12, 2020
Condition : New
Warranty : No
Location : Houston, TX 77004, USA
Believe My Work Not Words !!
Duct cleaning is soooo necessary. What are you breathing???🐾🐁🕷🦗🐜 
We are charging a flat price for the whole house Duct Cleaning.
I guarantee all my work.
Our service package includes the following:
.Unlimited Ducts
.Unlimited Vents
.All the return vents
·No Hidden Charges
·No Hook up Charges
·Before After Snapshots
·Powerful Monster Truck Vacuum System
You must consider duct cleaning if you have
·Residents with allergies and asthma
·Smoker in the household
·Hair and dander from pet
·Done duct cleaning more than a year ago
We use 3 to 4 tons heavy trucks equipped with commercial vacuum and
commercial compressor. We hook up our vacuum to the main line to draw more
than 25,000 cu.ft air per minute throughout entire air distribution system,
then blow compressed air, which is 350 pounds (per square inch) through each
duct to get 100% cleaning results
Thanks. 😊

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